Players Equipment

Player (runners) required equipment:

1. Helmet and face-mask (CSA approved) Hockey Helmets and cages are approved
2. Extra bicep Pads (recommended for U13-U17, added layer of protection on top of the pad provided with shoulder pads)
3. Slash Guards  / Arm Guards (protect your forearm, elbow and upper arms)
4. Wrist Guards (recommended U11-U17, protects and covers any gaps between slash guards and gloves)
5. Gloves (beginners can use hockey gloves, but lacrosse gloves are recommended( as they provide for better stick control)
6. Shoulder pads (U7-U11 players could use hockey shoulder pads, but lacrosse shoulder pads tend to be a little smaller and lighter especially the shoulder caps)
7. Kidney Pads
8. Jock / Jill 
9. Mouthguard (mandatory - all levels)
10. Comfortable running shoes (see note below picture for suggestions)
11.   Lacrosse Stick; **  34" minimum length and 40" maximum length (U11-U13) - 40" minimum length and 46" maximum length (U15-U17)


Box Lacrosse Player Equipment Guidelines

 No jewelry allowed, medical alert jewelry acceptable.

BLACK shorts are mandatory and to be worn by all players in all games. Items can be ordered through our booster Link.  

It is recommended that the footwear worn for lacrosse be kept solely for that purpose.   Arena floors are slick and shoes grip well.  Basketball shoes are good as are indoor soccer shoes.  A helpful suggestion for some of the younger pre-adult sized kids:  Women’s runners for those boys in the boys size 3-6, women’s 5-8 offer better support and last longer than most boys runners.

Knee Pads
The use of knee pads is recommended for the younger divisions (U7-U9) especially for outdoor games as some of the boxes are rough and have debris on the floor.

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